How to track focus keywords in WordPress

How to Track Focus Keywords in WordPress in 6 Easy Steps

Are you wondering how to track focus keywords in WordPress? Tracking keywords is a smart move to understand your website’s performance. It helps you see what’s working and tweak what isn’t, boosting your visibility in search results. In WordPress, you can use different tools and make tracking your focus keywords simple and effective. In this […]

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How to Set Up Web Push Notifications in 4 Simple Steps

Did you know that web push notifications often have click-through rates that are better than email? It’s true! In a world where email inboxes are overflowing and overwhelming, you can actually reach your subscribers right on their desktops. If you’re not taking advantage of web push notifications yet, we’re glad you’re here to find out […]

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How to set up Google Analytics 4 events tracking in WordPress

How to Set Up GA4 Event Tracking in WordPress

Are you looking for an easy way to use Google Analytics 4 event tracking for your WordPress site? You’re in the right place! Tracking events on your website, like button clicks, form submissions, or even video views, is very important. It helps you understand what your visitors are doing and what they like. But if […]

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How to use WooCommerce breadcrumbs for WordPress

How to Use WooCommerce Breadcrumbs (WordPress)

Navigating through a WooCommerce store can sometimes feel like a maze. That’s where WooCommerce breadcrumbs come in – not the kind you find in the kitchen, but the digital kind that guides customers through your website. In this article, we’re going to simplify the process of using and adding breadcrumbs to your WooCommerce store. Whether […]

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How to Set Up Custom Google Analytics Alerts in GA4

How to Set Up Custom Google Analytics Alerts in GA4

Google Analytics 4 (GA4) is incredibly powerful for gaining valuable insight into your website’s performance. But did you know that you can use Google Analytics alerts to automatically get notified of important changes that happen on your site? GA4 alerts are fully customizable, which means you can set them up to track whatever is most […]

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How to Set Up User Tracking in WordPress (The Easy Way)

How to Set Up Google Analytics User ID Tracking in WordPress

Looking for a quick and easy way to track logged-in user’s activity on your website? If you have a membership website, an online forum, online courses, or any other site that requires users to register, you can use Google Analytics user ID tracking to better understand how those visitors interact with your website. Gain valuable […]

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How to Set Up Google Tag Manager in WordPress (Easy Way)

How to Add Google Tag Manager to WordPress in 3 Easy Steps

Do you want to add Google Tag Manager to WordPress but aren’t sure how to go about it? Google Tag Manager is a great tool for connecting your WordPress website to digital marketing platforms and setting up advanced Google Analytics tracking. With GTM, you can manage and deploy your code snippets from one central location. […]

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how to track pdf file downloads

How to Track PDF Downloads in Google Analytics (GA4 Guide)

Do you want to learn how to track PDF downloads in Google Analytics 4? Offering downloadable files on your website such as PDFs, eBooks, and more can enhance user engagement, but it’s important to track those file downloads so you know which content is the most popular among visitors. Using this data, you can improve […]

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How to Create Google Alerts (Tutorial + Best Uses)

How to Create Google Alerts (Tutorial + Best Uses)

Do you want to keep a close eye on your business, brand name, or competitors? Well, an easy way to do that is by learning how to create Google Alerts. In this article, we’ll explain what Google Alerts are, walk you through the setup process of creating Google Alerts, and share a few of the […]

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GDPR and Google Analytics 4: How to Make Your Site Compliant

Wondering about compliance with GDPR and Google Analytics? You’ve come to the right place! On May 25, 2018, the European Union implemented the General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR). The new rule set out requirements for handling user data with penalties of up to €20 million or 4% of annual revenues for failure to comply with […]

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