Getting Started with the EU Compliance Addon

Having trouble understanding European data laws including GDPR? Not sure if you’re in full compliance?

We made an ExactMetrics addon for our users to comply with these laws, automating the configuration and changes needed.

Installing and activating the addon means you can continue to focus on what’s important to you, while ExactMetrics takes care of the heavy lifting.

When enabled, the EU Compliance Addon automatically disables…

  • Remarketing for the Demographics and Interests Reports.
  • Advertising tracking on Google Analytics hits.
  • UserID tracking on Google Analytics hits.
  • UserID tracking on eCommerce hits.
  • Form tracking hits.
  • The UserID dimension in the Custom Dimensions addon.
  • Author tracking in the Custom Dimensions addon.

Additionally, the EU Compliance Addon automatically…

  • Anonymizes IP addresses on Google Analytics hits, eCommerce hits, and form tracking hits.
  • Integrates with the CookieBot plugin, the Cookie Notice plugin, the CookieYes plugin, or Complianz. This integration means ExactMetrics will not track a user until consent is given. When installing and activating CookieBot, Cookie Notice by, CookiesYes, or Complianz, no code changes are required to the ExactMetrics plugin code. The EU Compliance addon will automatically make our tracking code compatible.
  • Wait to track users in the Google AMP addon, until a Google AMP Consent Box is agreed to by the user.

This guide will help you set up the ExactMetrics EU Compliance Addon.


  1. You’re an ExactMetrics Plus user or higher.
  2. Please also review the legal disclaimer at the end of the guide.

Step 1: One-click install the EU Compliance Addon.

Step 2: Configure your EU Compliance Addon Settings.

Step 3: Adjust your Google Analytics Account Settings.

Step 4: Setup an Opt-Out Option.

Step 5Adjust your Privacy Policy.

Step 6: Require explicit consent before collecting all data (advanced configuration).

Setup Complete, Future Updates and Legal Disclaimer

You did it! Your EU Compliance addon is now set up and configured.

This addon is periodically updated with new Google Analytics features related to EU compliance.


Legal Disclaimer: This addon is designed to automate some of the settings change required to be in compliance with various EU laws however due to the dynamic nature of websites, no plugin can offer 100% legal compliance. Please consult a specialist internet law attorney to determine if you are in compliance with all applicable laws for your jurisdictions and your use cases.

As a website operator, it is solely your responsibility to ensure that you are in compliance with all applicable laws and regulations governing your use of our plugin.

ExactMetrics, its employees/contractors, and other affiliated parties are not lawyers. Any advice given in our support, documentation, website, other mediums or through our services/products should not be considered legal advice and is for informational and/or educational purposes only and are not guaranteed to be correct, complete or up-to-date, and do not constitute creating/entering an Attorney-Client relationship.