How to Track Keywords in Google Analytics (GA4 Tutorial)

How to Track Google Analytics Keywords

Wondering how to track keywords in Google Analytics to see which organic keywords you rank for? Google Analytics keyword tracking isn’t a default feature, but you can easily set it up to start getting that data!

In this article, we’ll show you step-by-step how to track keywords in Google Analytics. You can see where each search query is ranking, their conversions, impressions, and click-through rate (CTR).

Let’s get started!

How to Track Keywords in Google Analytics

To track keywords in Google Analytics, follow these steps to set up Search Console, connect it to Google Analytics, and get your reports.

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  1. Step 1: How to Enable Search Console in Google Analytics
  2. Step 2: An Easy Way to Track Keywords in WordPress
  3. Step 3: See Keyword Data in Google Analytics

Google Search Console connects with Google Analytics to let you see how your website is performing in search and which keywords you’re currently ranking for.

Additionally, you can find and fix a lot of different errors on your website using Search Console, such as getting Google to index your pages or resolving security issues.

Step 1: How to Enable Search Console in Google Analytics

To enable Search Console data in Google Analytics, you’ll first need to set up Search Console and then connect it to your Google Analytics account. We’ll show you step-by-step how to do it.

How to Add a New Property to Google Search Console

The first step in setting up Google Analytics keyword tracking is to add your website to Google Search Console and verify it. To do that, go to your Google Search Console account.

If you haven’t created a property yet, you’ll see the Welcome to Google Search Console screen:

Welcome to Search Console

If you have a property (or several) set up and you need to add a new one, click the dropdown at the top left and click Add a Property.

Add a Property to Search Console

Now, you’ll see two options for setting up and verifying your site. We highly suggest going with a Domain property, and we’ll be using that for our tutorial.

How to Verify a Website in Google Search Console

To verify your site via a Domain property, you just need to verify that you’re the owner of the domain (not just the URL).

So, you’ll need to verify through your DNS (Domain Name Service) provider. Your DNS provider is whomever you bought your domain name and/or hosting services from. Some popular providers include Bluehost, Siteground, GoDaddy, and Namecheap.

To get started, paste in your domain name (your URL without the www) and click Continue:

Domain Property in Search Console

Now, Google provides specific directions for a few DNS providers in their dropdown. You can pick Any DNS provider for the instructions that work for any site:

Verify Search Console via DNS

Next, copy that string of code (the TXT record) and paste it into the appropriate spot in your DNS. Where you add a TXT record is different for each provider, but once you figure it out, it’ll generally look like this Siteground example:

Create a New TXT Record

All you would do here is paste the code from Search Console into the Value field and click Create.

If you can’t find where to create a TXT record, just search “how to create a TXT record in (DNS provider here)”.

Now you can go back to your Search Console tab and click Verify. Hopefully, you’ll see a success message!

For more help with verifying your site, visit Search Console Help.

That’s it! You’ve connected your site with Search Console and you’ll now be able to see all the valuable data inside it and connect it with Google Analytics.

How to Connect Google Analytics to Search Console

Once you’ve verified your website, you’ll have to connect Google Search Console to your Google Analytics account.

In Google Analytics, go to the Admin cog:

GA4 Admin Cog

Now, click the Search Console Linking button near the bottom of the Property column:

GA4 Search Console Linking

Next, click the blue Link button:

Link Search Console to Analytics

Then, click the blue Choose accounts link.

Choose Accounts

Next, click the checkbox next to the correct property that you want to link with, and then click the Confirm button.

Confirm property link

Click Next.

Next - Search Console

Click Select.

Select a Web Stream - Search Console

Now, click the Choose button next to the data stream (Analytics property) you want to connect to:

Then, click Next.

Next - Search Console

Finally, make sure everything is correct and click Submit.

Submit Search Console Link

That’s it, your link is created! You’re not done yet, though. To see Search Console data in Google Analytics, you’ll have to turn on the reports.

Step 2: Easily Track Keywords in WordPress

If you’re a WordPress user, there’s an easier way to see your top search queries right inside your WordPress dashboard. Just use ExactMetrics!


ExactMetrics is the best premium WordPress Analytics plugin that makes it super easy to use Google Analytics and set up advanced tracking, such as eCommerce tracking, forms tracking, media tracking, and much more in just a few clicks. You can view all your most important website statistics right inside your WordPress dashboard.

Simply install the WordPress plugin on your website to start tracking your keywords. Make sure you’ve selected a Plus license or higher to access the Search Console report.

For further instructions on getting set up with ExactMetrics, read How to Add Google Analytics to Your WordPress Site.

As long as you have Google Analytics and Search Console connected, ExactMetrics will have a Search Terms report ready for you.

To view the report, log in to your WordPress site. Then, go to ExactMetrics » Reports. Now, select Search Console from the top menu.


The report shows you the top 50 Google search terms your website is ranking for. And for each search term, you can view its clicks, impressions, CTR, and average position.

Using the data from the report, you can clearly see which keywords are ranking high and generating organic traffic. Besides that, you can also see which keywords require more optimization if they’re not ranking on the first page.

You can also find new keyword ideas and content ideas from this report. For instance, if you see a search term that’s on the first page, then you can look for more keywords like it and cover them on your website.

Step 3: How to See Keywords in Google Analytics

To see keywords in Google Analytics, you’ll need to add your Search Console report to your navigation in Google Analytics. Then, you’ll be able to see the report with your keyword queries. Just follow the steps below to learn how to do it.

How to Add Search Console Report to Google Analytics

After connecting Search Console to Google Analytics in the previous steps, you’ll want to be able to find keywords in Google Analytics. To add the Search Console report to Google Analytics, click on Library:

Google Analytics 4 Library

Next, locate the Search Console card and click on Edit collection.

Search Console Collection of Reports in GA4

Click the Save button, then Back.

Save Collection in GA4

Now, click on the three dots on the Search Console card, and then click Publish.

Publish Search Console reports collection

That’s it! A new Search Console reports section should now show up in your sidebar:

GA4 Search Console reports - track keywords in Google Analytics

How to Find Keywords in Google Analytics

To find keywords in Google Analytics, head to Search Console » Queries to see a report of which queries your site appeared for in search. For each term, you get clicks, impressions, click-through rate, and average search position (rank).

GA4 Search Console Queries - Google Analytics keyword tracking

The Google organic search traffic report gives you the same report, except with your landing pages instead of the queries used to find you.

Now that you have your Search Console reports set up in Google Analytics, you can see:

  • Which keywords you’re ranking for in Google and what their position is
  • Which keywords are sending traffic to your site
  • Which pages are ranking in Google searches
  • Click-through rate

And that’s it!

We hope you liked our article on how to track keywords in Google Analytics. We think you might also like to read How to Track Link Clicks in Google Analytics and WordPress.

Don’t forget to follow us on Twitter and Facebook to get to know the latest tutorials on Analytics.

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