Essential On-Page SEO Guide for WordPress (Rank Higher)

Essential On-Page SEO Guide for WordPress (Rank Higher)

On-page SEO is absolutely essential if you want your website to rank in search engines. Ignoring it can cause your site to not rank at all, significantly impacting your organic traffic. Thankfully, WordPress makes on-page SEO straightforward. With a bit of effort and the right strategies, you’ll start seeing keyword rankings in no time. But […]

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Epic List of Marketing Hacks for Explosive Traffic Growth

30 Epic Marketing Hacks for Explosive Traffic Growth

Want to drive more traffic to your website, but you’re having a hard time attracting new and returning visitors? It takes time and patience, but there are some really high-impact marketing hacks you can do to drive more traffic. We’ve put together a whole list of marketing hacks for you to look through and choose […]

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10 WordPress SEO Tips to Drive More Business

10 Basic WordPress SEO Tips to Drive More Business

WordPress is an awesome platform for building an SEO friendly website that drives business. Having a WordPress website is the first step, and the second is reading about and taking advantage of WordPress SEO tips that’ll help you grow. So, you’re in the right place! In this article, we’ll go over our top WordPress SEO […]

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How to Speed Up Your WordPress Site

How to Speed Up Your WordPress Site (14 Ways)

Want to know how to speed up your WordPress site? You’re in the right place. In June 2021, Google began rolling out an algorithm update that will give top spots to fast sites in search results. Does your WordPress website make the cut? While Google had been considering page speed in their search engine rankings […]

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18 Simple Ways to Use Google Analytics for Business Growth

Do you want to use Google Analytics for business to take your website, marketing, and revenue to the next level, but you’re not sure where to start? Google Analytics is a popular analytics tool that can help uncover insights about your visitors and provide essential data to boost your website’s performance. In this article, we’ll […]

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exactmetrics vs ga

ExactMetrics vs Google Analytics: Which Is the Best?

Many people often wonder which service is better, ExactMetrics vs Google Analytics. They often ask what the differences are between the two tools. It’s a common misconception among new users that Google Analytics and ExactMetrics are two different analytics tools. That’s not actually the case! ExactMetrics vs Google Analytics Google Analytics is an analytical service […]

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Is ExactMetrics Worth It

Is ExactMetrics Worth It? (9 Stunning Reasons to Use the Plugin)

Have you heard of ExactMetrics? It’s one of the best premium WordPress Analytics plugin and is used by over 1 million website owners. ExactMetrics makes using Google Analytics on your WordPress site very simple. It offers a free version to get you started, but with ExactMetrics Pro, you can use advanced tracking features like form […]

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15 Simple Ways to Boost Your Ecommerce Conversion Rate

15 Simple Ways to Boost Your eCommerce Conversion Rate

Are you struggling to increase your eCommerce conversion rate? If yes, then you’re not alone. Many online store owners find it difficult to convert visitors into paying customers. By working on conversion rate optimization, you can easily increase your store’s revenue. And using some simple tricks, you can even double your conversions. In this article, […]

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