exactmetrics announcement

Announcing ExactMetrics Global Site Tag Support

Today we’re excited to announce the release of Global Site Tag support! For the past few months, our developers have been working hard to provide a seamless transition to Google’s new tracking code system. In this release, you’ll see how easy it is to use ExactMetrics and switch from the older tracking code (analytics.js) to […]

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year in review report exactmetrics

Announcing ExactMetrics Year in Review Report

Are you planning on making 2021 even bigger and better for your website? Today, we’re thrilled to announce the release of the ExactMetrics Year in Review report. It’s a limited-time report that shows how your site performed in 2020 and is available from January 1 to January 14. Find out which posts were the most […]

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exactmetrics site speed report

Announcing ExactMetrics 6.4 with Site Speed Report

Are you looking for a way to measure your website loading speed and make sure your visitors get the best user experience? If yes, then we’re thrilled to announce the release of ExactMetrics 6.4 and introduce you to our new Site Speed report. Using the report, you can measure your website loading speed and make […]

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Introducing ExactMetrics 6.2 – Best Free Headline Analyzer

Introducing ExactMetrics 6.2 With Built-In Headline Analyzer

Are you struggling to get any clicks and boost your website’s rankings? The first thing people read on a blog post is your headline. And if it doesn’t hook your reader’s attention, then you’ll lose potential leads and customers. But what if we could help you out? That’s right! We’re thrilled to introduce our latest […]

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Google Analytics Dashboard for WordPress (GADWP) is Now ExactMetrics

With over 17 million downloads and over 1 million websites, Google Analytics Dashboard for WordPress (GADWP) is the second most popular analytics plugin in the WordPress.org repository. Today, I’m thrilled to announce that we have acquired the GADWP plugin from Alin Marcu and rebranded it as ExactMetrics. Alin has done a phenomenal job in building […]

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