How to Show Popular Products in WooCommerce

How to Show Popular Products in WooCommerce (Step by Step)

Do you want to show your popular products on your WooCommerce website? Showing your popular or best-selling products on your website can put more of your products in front of your website visitors, and potentially increase your revenue from those extra sales. Plus, with the right tools, it’s really easy to set up a popular […]

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How to Find Google Analytics Conversion Paths Report

How to Find Google Analytics Conversion Paths Report

Did you know that an average consumer will visit your website 3 or 4 times before doing business with you? And, most don’t convert on their first visit, which is why Google Analytics conversion paths can help you see a clearer picture of where those visitors first came from. By default, Google Analytics credits a […]

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How to Run a WordPress Website Speed Test

How to Run a WordPress Website Speed Test (Quick + Easy)

Have you heard the news? Google added a new ranking factor for organic search called Core Web Vitals, and now your website needs to be fast to challenge your competitors. But how do you run a WordPress website speed test? Luckily, testing how fast your website is loading for your visitors is very easy. In […]

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Announcing Google Analytics 4 + Dual Analytics Tracking for WordPress

Announcing Google Analytics 4 + Dual Analytics Tracking for WordPress

The ExactMetrics team has been working very closely with the Google Analytics team for months to make it easy for ExactMetrics and WordPress users to connect with the new version of Google Analytics (GA4). Today, I’m thrilled to announce that ExactMetrics now seamlessly integrates with GA4, the newest version of Google’s web and app analytics […]

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How to Set Up Google Analytics File Download Tracking

How to Set Up Google Analytics File Download Tracking

Do you have files available for download on your site, and you want to know how many people are downloading them? That’s a great idea! Tracking file downloads will give you a look at how many people are engaged with your site and consuming your content. You can also count a file download as a […]

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How to Ensure Google Analytics CCPACPRA Compliance

How to Ensure Google Analytics CCPA/CPRA Compliance for GA4

Online privacy is really big news lately with the passage of new laws, the updating of existing laws, and the transition to Google Analytics 4. It’s scary to think about getting sued because your website isn’t up to the right privacy standards, like CCPA/CPRA compliance! If you have visitors from California viewing and interacting with […]

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How to Show Most Popular Posts in WordPress (Step by Step)

How to Show Most Popular Posts in WordPress (Step by Step)

Want to keep visitors on your site longer, visiting more pages and continuing to interact with your site? Adding links to popular posts within or at the end of your content can help site visitors navigate your site, see your most popular content, and increase the chance that they’ll convert. Learn how to add popular […]

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How to Speed Up Your WordPress Site

How to Speed Up Your WordPress Site (14 Ways)

Want to know how to speed up your WordPress site? You’re in the right place. In June 2021, Google began rolling out an algorithm update that will give top spots to fast sites in search results. Does your WordPress website make the cut? While Google had been considering page speed in their search engine rankings […]

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